vineri, 30 decembrie 2011


    Have you ever wake up in the morning and wonder why? or for what? Have you ever walked along the road, to work, looking at people, observing, watching, and not feel a thing? or wonder what are they thinking about, or what are they feeling in that precise moment, but not really care about them? Or looking around you, seeing faces, hearing laughters and cries, but not feeling anything?
    Have you ever had the feeling that you do not have a past, nor a future, but knowing that you live in a present, that you do not feel is yours?Ever had the feeling that you are not inside your body, and that you are seeing everything around you through some eyes that are not yours?
     Not feeling anything..Not having anything: nor pain, nor happiness, nor joy, nor sadness, nor dispointment, nor expectations..Not having dreams, or wishes, or hopes or faith in something or someone, just not have any feelings at all. Have you ever had those kind of moments? When you do not care about anything or anyone around you, and everything that you see is becoming meaningless or worthless, without any reasons or explanations. Just walking on the streets without anything, without having a feeling,..Is more then being lonely, or sad, or even indifferent, because you do not want to not feel a thing, you do not know why or from where this state of spirit is coming, you are just one soul between so many others, that are moving without sense and orientation in this gigantic world of indifference. And the question that most of us will have, would be: and why should I care? do others cares about me?
     This kind of mentality is changing us, is making us acting like robots, without feelings, without nothing inside. We are seeing just our path, and not even that path we do not see it right, not even for that path we do not care anymore, because we believe that we faught enough, we do not have anything to give anymore, we did our part, we gave our share, we must let everybody else to fight, to give, to make their part. Well, no..It's never enough, we never give enough, we never fight enough, and we never make our part good enough. The world, the people around us, will be the way we are. Everything that we see around us, is exactly the way we feel inside, nothing less, nothing more...The world outside its just a projection of our inside world! So, project your world well, make your world good and strong, so that you and the people around you can have an outside world that is good and strong, and full of hope and dreams. Create a future inside you, and make it happen outside your head. Live fully inside your imagination and try to reproduce it in your present world. Be now what you want to become!

duminică, 25 decembrie 2011

Un Craciun de vis..

   Craciunul se zice ca e cea mai frumoasa sarbatoare din an. Toti il asteptam cu mare nerabdare, cu multa bucurie,..Pe langa faptul ca e sarbatoarea cadourilor, a luminitelor, si a zapezii, Craciunul reprezinta sarbatoarea familiei, a magiei..Toata lumea se grabeste acasa, sa fie alaturi de familie, sa simta cu adevarat spiritul acestei minunate sarbatori!
    Ne amintim cu drag de copilaria noastra, pentru ca se zice ca aceasta sarbatoare o traiesc la intensitate maxima, cei mici, pentru ca inocenta lor le da puterea sa creada mai mult in magie, in miracolele de Craciun, se bucura parca mai mult de fiecare cadouas primit, si mai ales, de ceea ce este esential pentru aceasta sarbatoare, de Nasterea Domnului!!! Noi, adulti, cam uitam sa ne bucuram de simplitatea Craciunului,.alergam dupa cadouri, dupa cumparaturile de Craciun, braduti, jucarii, etc, si parca nu mai facem loc si pentru sentimentele de bucurie pentru lucrurile simple. E atat de uimitor sa vezi bucuria copiilor dimineata, cand alearga spre bradut, sau sclipirea din ochii lor atunci cand vad fulgii de zapada..Ne amintim cu totii de momentele cand eram si noi asa...Si totusi,..putem si noi sa simtim aceasta sarbatoare, trebuie doar sa vrem, si ne amintim esenta si valoarea reala a Craciunului!
    Eu am sarbatorit Ajunul Craciunului intr-un mod cu totul special anul acesta: am cumparat eu bradutul pentru prima oara, l-am impodobit cu surioara mea, iar parintii ne-au ajutat cu privirile..:)) Am avut o cina foarte draguta in familie, am desfacut cadourile cu mare drag, si dimineata am fost si la biserica, pentru a vedea ieslea micului Pruncusor, care a venit pe pamant pentru noi..pentru mine a fost special, Craciunul perfect pe care l-am visat pentru acest an.
     Va urez dragii mei, un Craciun special, asa cum l-ati visat, plin de iubire, bucuria sa rasune in inimile si casele voastre, iar lumina din Bethleem sa va lumineze mereu cararile vietii, sa-l purtati pe Micul Isus cu voi oriunde!
    Voi cum petreceti Craciunul? Va provoc la o povestire: Craciunul de azi si Craciunl de ieri...Va imbratisez cu drag!

miercuri, 21 decembrie 2011

Music of the soul

   Some songs talk to the heart, songs that maybe you never heard before, but you can feel them flowing inside of you, making their way to the deepest rooms of your soul, making connections that maybe your brain was afraid to do...Maybe the simple words of the lyrics, or maybe the complex sound, or maybe both, combined, is giving the sufficient energy that our body and soul needs to go on, giving our brain the power to smile, and to fix the ugly things that we cover inside...
   This piece of music, reveled to me by a friend, made me feel warmth inside, made me smile, and feel hope, made me feel comfortable..It's a simple song, but powerful in the same just makes me close my eyes, and flow along with it,..and in my mind I am creating my own world, a world sweet and gentle,..The candy that he wants, its not the candy that we eat, it's the sweetness of his love that makes his heart float...So, let us enjoy this song and let us float with it...

marți, 20 decembrie 2011

Noi doi...

    Umbra trecutului nu poate fi stearsa, trecutul va fi mereu acolo, si cu toate ca se zice:"trecutul trebuie uitat, treci peste..", eu zic ca e gresit. Trecutul contribuie la ceea ce suntem, ne-a ajutat sa crestem, sa ne transformam. Sunt singura ca nu toti avem un trecut vesel si lipsit de suferinta,..Multi dintre noi avem in "bagajul" vietii amintiri dureroase, poate inca din familie ( ma numar printre), sau poate din liceu dezamagiri cu prietenii buni din gasca, sau cele la care toata lumea pune cel mai mare accent: durerea provocata de persoana iubita.
   Aceasta melodie, am descoperit-o abia acum, si mi-a trezit amintirile pe care le-am ingropat demult, si mare mi-a fost surprinderea sa constat ca ele nu mai dor..sunt amintiri poate cu un gust putin amar, dar amintiri la care tin..Si ma bucur sa realizez ca inca simt speranta, inca visez la ceva frumos si pur..Recunosc ca sunt o absolutista, si poate o romantica incurabila..Dintotdeuna am crezut in aceea iubire perfecta, pura, infinita, fara margini...Si, cu toata deceptia pe care am avut-o, am reusit sa-mi pastrez aproape intact acest vis al meu..Si mai mereu zic:"daca as pierde speranta pe care o am, nu as mai putea supravietui in acesta lume, ar fi prea urata!"
   Am ales aceasta versiune a melodiei, pentru ca-mi plac la nebunie tot ce inseamna anime sau manga, si asta tocmai prin inocenta pe care o inspira, si prin iubirea pura pe care au fata de cei dragi..Asadar va invit sa savurati aceasta melodie, si sa nu renunatati niciodata la visele pe care le aveti, indiferent de trecut, de viitor sau de prezent! pastrati in voi, ceea ce va face unici: speranta si credinta!!!

sâmbătă, 17 decembrie 2011


   Incep aceasta zi, prin a multumi tuturor celor care imi viziteaza blogul, celor care sunt interesati de ceea ce scriu, si care ma sustin...Am ajuns in mai putin de o luna la peste 2000 de vizualizari, ceea ce reprezinta o mare realizare pentru mine, si pentru aceasta pagina in care ma dechid fata de voi..VA MULTUMESC! si sper sa fiti alaturi de mine si mai departe!

vineri, 16 decembrie 2011

Iubirea se canta in orice limba..

     Aceasta melodie am ascultat-o mai demult, si cu toate ca nu intelegeam mare lucru, mi-a placut..Linia melodica si videoclipul mi-au fost suficiente sa-mi transmita o senzatie placuta, un licar dulce in suflet...Cineva a reusit sa adauge si o traducere..Sincer nu cred ca sunt necesare cuvintele, pentru a ne da seama ca este extraordinara piesa..
     Sunt sigura ca nu este singura piesa pe care o ascultam si nu o intelegem..sunt multe melodii care ne plac si le ascultam, iar si iar, pentru ca simtim ceva in vibratiile muzicii, ne transmite ceva, si asta conteaza cel mai mult intr-o melodie...IUBIREA SE CANTA IN ORICE LIMBA!!! Si se canta frumos, cu pasiune, din suflet...
    Sper sa va placa la fel de mult, cum mi-a placut si mie!! Un inceput de weekend minunat si plin de iubire!!!

miercuri, 14 decembrie 2011

Adu-ti aminte....

    Cand cerul este cenusiu: aminteste-ti momentele in care l-ai vazut de un albastru profund. Cand ti-e frig: gandeste-te la un soare arzator care te-a incalzit. Cand treci printr-o infrangere personala: aminteste-ti de triumfurile tale si de impliniri. Cand ai nevoie de dragoste: retraieste momentele de afectiune si blandete. Adu-ti aminte de ceea ce ai trait si de ceea ce ai oferit cu bucurie. Gandeste-te la cadourile care ti-au fost date, la imbratasirile, sarutarile pe care le-ai primit, la peisajele de care te-ai bucurat, si la rasetele care ti-au descretit fruntea. Daca ai avut parte de acestea, le poti avea din nou si ceea ce ai reusit, poti reusi din nou.
     Bucura-te de bunul pe care-l ai si pentru bunul altora; accepta-i asa cum sunt; destrama amintirile triste si dureroase, si mai ales, nu pastra deloc ura, nu-ti face rau, nu-ti face rau singur. Gandeste-te la ceea ce este bun, amabil, la frumos si adevar. Deruleaza-ti viata si opreste-te la amintirile frumoase si la emotiile sanatoase si traieste-le din nou. Priveste la aceea seara in care ai fost cel mai emotionat. Aminteste-ti de mangaierea spontana pe care ai primit-o. Bucura-te din nou de linistea pe care ai cunoscut-o, gandeste si traieste binele. Acolo, in mintea ta sunt pastrate toate imaginile. Doar tu decizi pe care merita sa le retraiesti!

sâmbătă, 10 decembrie 2011

Faith and destiny: Life like a puzzle!

    How many of you really believes in destiny? But not that kind of destiny that is automatic, not that kind of belief  that makes you think that you do not have a choice..No. But the kind of belief that makes you smile, and makes you trust yourself more then ever, and makes you think that everything in your life has a purpose. It's like a puzzle put together, you do not know how it will look like in the end, but you believe that it will be nice, perfect. It's the puzzle of our life! We are putting one piece next to another, trying to find out if they go together alright, if they do not, we can always make a change, and try another piece. In the language of this world we live in, changing the piece, is called: mistake! Yes, we make mistakes, and a lot of them, but the important thing is to believe, to trust, to have faith that somehow it will be alright.
     I am saying this now, because I made mistakes, and maybe I hurt people, dear ones, but I realized that, and I tried to make it right. Looking now back, I can say that I have few regrets, usually I am trying to do everything I can to avoid regrets: I try all that's new, I take chances, I run wild, I sing, I laugh on the streets, I feel with all intensity, I cry...I must say that not all the times I understood why some things had to happen, but now, when I think about how things turned out to be, yep..the pieces are clicked together just right..
      Even now...When I came back from Spain, I wished so hard to go back, to find a job, and to try to live there, because Spain made me feel like home, more then home. But home, I began to realize that my wish, my dream is almost impossible. How? why? where? Those where the questions that had no answer..So when the first job came along I took it, and I said to myself: "if other people can give up their wishes, and live just fine, maybe I will can to". I was wrong! I cannot, although I tried. Having no friends of mine close to me, not living the way I imagined myself after finishing my studies, began slowly to depress me..And exactly when I was losing hope and faith, one piece of the big puzzle of my life, just fall down, and clicked with this enormous noise, that woke me up from the deep slumbered I was falling in.. A great opportunity has just opened for me: I will go to Spain to work, in my domain..I am just thrilled! Of course I have fears, but I also have a big faith that, the next pieces of puzzle will click like before...:)
    Taking life the way it is! That's the most important thing I learned in Spain..not to be confused with not doing anything, just But to take the chances that are given to you. In my country we have an old saying:"God gives to you, but He's not putting everything in your bag"...So opportunities may came, but you also have to fight for obtaining them..So, go forward with the belief that everything will be the way its meant to be!!!There's no such things as coincidence..everything is already prepared for you, just take your chance!

luni, 5 decembrie 2011

Childhood: The Story of Saint Nicholas..

     This night is special in my country, is the night of Saint Nicholas..not Santa Claus! is different! I really do not know if other countries celebrates it, or not, or if they do, how...But here, in this beautiful land, all children knows the story of Old Saint Nicholas! The Old kind man, who comes in this night, at puts candy and sweets to all good little boys and girls, in their clean and shinny boots...That's why every child, boy and girl, cleans their shoes and puts them near the door, so Saint Nick, could see them really quickly..
    I remember when I was a child, not that long ago..:))Me and my brothers, we had this tradition. We rush home from school, and our parents sent us in the bathroom to clean our shoes, and we did: ALL OF THEM!and mean all of them: snickers, boots, flip-flops, everything...we were greedy little children, we thought that the more shoes, the more sweets we will get..not true though..Saint Nick would fill just one pair, but we were still full of joy in the morning. Even now, I can recall my big brother on the floor, on his knees, calling us, me and my little sister, to come with him, in the huge hunting of Saint Nick!! we were curious, we wanted to see him, to see his, all three of us, crawling on the floor, from our room, to the hole-way, shouting from our lungs: GASCA LUI PAPUC, INVELIT IN CAUCIUC! hard to translate in english, but believe, it doesn't have any logic at all..:))) 
   We never did saw him, Saint Nickolas I mean,..and a few years later we found out like any child, the truth that we suspected..:))But we have this nice warm memories, that we keep deep in our hearts. Maybe I didn't had the best childhood, and trust me, I didn't, but I can be proud with the good memories that I have along the way..The nice smell of orange from those mornings (even now, the smell of a fresh orange reminds me of Christmas Holidays), the crawling on the floor with my brothers, and the adventure we imagine we have..:))All of these are precious to me...And I can say that, even now, my clean and shinny boots are waiting near the door, for Saint Nickolas!:)
A Happy Saint Nick to all!!!

duminică, 4 decembrie 2011

Memories: GRANADA walks...

   The best story of my life, will be my Erasmus time in Spain, or at least that's what I think until now...So I will put some photos, little by little from the places I've seen, people I met, and of course, the places I want to go to visit them all..
  One of the amazing places which I saw in Spain, is Granada..I must admit with shame, that until then, I've never heard about this place, although I studied tourism. Granada is located in Andalucia, in the south, and its considered to be number one city for tourism in the region. And they are right to call it number one, because its absolutely gorgeous.
  I am a fan of photography, and although I never studied something in this domain, some pictures are pretty ok...My passion are streets, people, places...The one from above, was taken in "Bario Albaicin" famous neighborhood from Granada, for its special streets...I have many, but I will put just this one, you can discover the rest yourself..
  Another kind of pictures that I really like, are these ones: urban art, as we like to call it..This graffiti was on one of the buildings, in the same neighborhood "Albaicin"...
   Of course, a lot of things should be said about Granada: the nice restaurants, the quite lights from the streets at night, the great streets markets, and L'Alhambra, the world wide famous museums (which I will present soon)..:) Hope that I made you curious about this particular city from Spain, and you will search for more..
Wish you all a nice great week!

joi, 1 decembrie 2011

Searching for something that does not exist...

    Have you ever had that feeling? Have ever had the feeling that you are searching for something? What a stupid question :)), of course you did. Everybody is searching for something, not everyone knows what it is, or how it should feel when you find it, but for sure everybody is searching...
     I for one, I believe that finally I realize that the thing I'm searching for does not exist, or at least not for me..I consider myself the kind of person with a strong will, a strong believe, and with a big big hope in my heart. But seeing that every single time, when I believe I found the thing I want the most, I'm being put back in this black hole, where the light cannot reach, I'm starting to wonder: " does it really exist? the thing I've been meant to find, is it really there? somewhere?"
    The principle I strongly recommended to so many people, sounds like this: "do not lose hope, do not give up, keep on going,..the things you meant to do, you will do, the people you meant to meet you will meet...Do not lose trust, is the only thing that can make people connect, and connection is the thing that keep us together. Do not give up smiling, is the most beautiful thing you can give to the others, and to yourself. Do not give up believing in the good of this world, do not stop making the things you like, because the day you will, you also will die inside, it will be the saddest day in your life. Do not stop loving, is the most beautiful feeling you can have, and only one that can make you feel alive, actually you were born to love, and make the people around happy.."
    A lot of people, close friends, or just people I use to hang out with, think that they know me, and really good..sometimes I wonder if they really do..I talk a lot, I like to communicate, but how many times people listens to me? how many of the ones they do listen, really understand me? and from those who understands me, how many of them feels me? Feeling one another is not a east thing, but is the most important one..That's why I'm asking myself: " the thing I'm searching for, does it really exist?"