sâmbătă, 10 decembrie 2011

Faith and destiny: Life like a puzzle!

    How many of you really believes in destiny? But not that kind of destiny that is automatic, not that kind of belief  that makes you think that you do not have a choice..No. But the kind of belief that makes you smile, and makes you trust yourself more then ever, and makes you think that everything in your life has a purpose. It's like a puzzle put together, you do not know how it will look like in the end, but you believe that it will be nice, perfect. It's the puzzle of our life! We are putting one piece next to another, trying to find out if they go together alright, if they do not, we can always make a change, and try another piece. In the language of this world we live in, changing the piece, is called: mistake! Yes, we make mistakes, and a lot of them, but the important thing is to believe, to trust, to have faith that somehow it will be alright.
     I am saying this now, because I made mistakes, and maybe I hurt people, dear ones, but I realized that, and I tried to make it right. Looking now back, I can say that I have few regrets, usually I am trying to do everything I can to avoid regrets: I try all that's new, I take chances, I run wild, I sing, I laugh on the streets, I feel with all intensity, I cry...I must say that not all the times I understood why some things had to happen, but now, when I think about how things turned out to be, yep..the pieces are clicked together just right..
      Even now...When I came back from Spain, I wished so hard to go back, to find a job, and to try to live there, because Spain made me feel like home, more then home. But home, I began to realize that my wish, my dream is almost impossible. How? why? where? Those where the questions that had no answer..So when the first job came along I took it, and I said to myself: "if other people can give up their wishes, and live just fine, maybe I will can to". I was wrong! I cannot, although I tried. Having no friends of mine close to me, not living the way I imagined myself after finishing my studies, began slowly to depress me..And exactly when I was losing hope and faith, one piece of the big puzzle of my life, just fall down, and clicked with this enormous noise, that woke me up from the deep slumbered I was falling in.. A great opportunity has just opened for me: I will go to Spain to work, in my domain..I am just thrilled! Of course I have fears, but I also have a big faith that, the next pieces of puzzle will click like before...:)
    Taking life the way it is! That's the most important thing I learned in Spain..not to be confused with not doing anything, just expecting..no. But to take the chances that are given to you. In my country we have an old saying:"God gives to you, but He's not putting everything in your bag"...So opportunities may came, but you also have to fight for obtaining them..So, go forward with the belief that everything will be the way its meant to be!!!There's no such things as coincidence..everything is already prepared for you, just take your chance!

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